Title: Adorable Husky Towel for Bath Time Fun - Soft and Absorbent Cotton Frotee Towel for Babies and Kids
Product Description:
Adorable Husky design: This towel features a playful Husky design that will delight your little one.
Soft and absorbent: Made from 100% natural cotton frotee, this towel is incredibly soft and absorbent, ensuring your child stays dry and comfortable after bath time.
Hooded design: The hooded design helps keep your child's head warm and dry after a bath.
Perfect size: This towel measures 75 x 75 cm (+/- 3 cm), making it the perfect size for babies and toddlers.
Machine washable: This towel is machine washable for easy care.
Materials and Care:
- 100% natural cotton frotee
- Machine washable at 40°C
- Tumble dry low
- Iron on medium heat
- 75 x 75 cm (+/- 3 cm)
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Husky towel
Sale price€26,90
Regular price€39,00